A Henry George letter

from Flurscheim: A Clue to the Economic Labyrinth
p. 16.

“Dear Mr. Flurscheim,—

I learn through our mutual friend, Mr. Prang, that you are irritated at the manner in which I have treated your communication about interest[1]. I am sorry for this, as I have a very high opinion of you, and a very high appreciation of the work you are doing. But the difference between us in regard to interest, though it may be a matter of great theoretical importance, is a matter, at the present time, at least in the United States, of no practical importance; and I have been so intensely occupied with pressing matters that it has been impossible for me to give that attention to any theoretical matter that I am sure you would like me to give if I were to make an answer to you. As soon as I get again a little of the leisure I so much long for, and have been for such a time deprived of, I will carefully consider your propositions and make a review; but for the present every nerve is strained in the effort to push forward what is of immediate concern. I have never thought differences between men who hold common views on the most important propositions to be of much account. If we all work in our own way, the truth is certain to come uppermost at last.

With much esteem and cordial good wishes, I am, yours very truly,


[1] If I remember right, he had not answered my letter.